AuthorMichelle Lao

Sophie’s Watercolor World


THE MERCENARY VS. THE MISSIONARY Mercenaries are driven by paranoia; missionaries are driven by passion. Mercenaries are bosses of wolf packs; missionaries are mentors or coaches of teams. Mercenaries are motivated by the lust for making money; missionaries, while recognizing the importance of money, are fundamentally driven by the desire to make meaning. – John Doerr There are two types of people in this world: the mercenary and the missionary. And if there’s one thing I’ve...

Sunnies Specs Kids: Party Magic’s Latest Brand Launch


THE ONLY SKILL YOU WILL EVER NEED The first time I was attracted to the arts was in the backroom of my mom’s office. I was around 5 or 6 years old, and back then, my mom was releasing new products (for kids) almost every week. There were no cellphones, no computers, no Photoshop, so my parents had set aside a room called the “Artist’s Room”, where 4-5 skilled designers sat on a large table, drawing everything by hand. I was hooked. My earliest memories inside that room...

Anya’s 7th: A Magical Disneyland Parade


WHAT MAKES THE PERFECT VIDEO? One can say that it’s the music, the transitioning, and the emotions that it invokes. Truth be told, my guess is as good as anyone else’s. (I’m a stylist, not a videographer, after all, so what would I know about the video business!) But I do know someone who has the answer: {SDE} – Anya turns 7 : Flights of Fantasy from Lemon Three Films on Vimeo. If Lemon Three Films has been my go-to videographer for the past 4 years, it’s with good...

Samantha’s LOL Surprise! Party – Party Magic’s Latest Truly Unique Party


THE TRULY UNIQUE PARTY SERIES What is the best party? I would contend that the best party is the truly unique party. And contrary to what most people might believe, it’s NOT EASY to come up with a truly unique party. So in my eternal search for that perfectly themed, perfectly executed party, I am formalizing my series of blog posts that I will call The Truly Unique Party Series. Here’s the list so far: Meet My Neighbor Totoro: Brie’s 1st Birthday JC The Philosopher: A Truly...

How Do I Plan My Party? The Beginner Mom’s FAQ Guide to Planning Her First Birthday Party


Jay Tyrone’s birthday bash. Thank you to Mike Sy for these nice images!  HOW DO I PLAN MY PARTY? THE BEGINNER MOM’S FAQ-GUIDE TO PLANNING HER FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY In an effort to document what I know about party planning (especially in the modern age of “event styling” as opposed to balloon decoration), and more importantly to help out all the new moms out there, I’m writing below the most frequently asked questions and concerns my clients have thrown at me during...

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