AuthorMichelle Lao

Henri’s Mickey Halloween Party


PARTY MAGIC MASH-UPS: THE HALLOWEEN EDITION In line with the month of November, I thought that it would be fun to showcase another party related to the month’s festivities. Whereas last Tuesday I blogged about Nisha’s Book of Life party, a themed party focused on a movie about the Day of the Dead, this time I’m going to blog about a party with a Halloween aspect. Happy birthday to this cute little boy Henri! Cutie Henri with his doting parents! Besides being a party about...

Nisha’s Book of Life


CELEBRATING THE DAY OF THE DEAD: THE PARTY MAGIC WAY Parents who have children born on the first week of November have a curious a predicament: how do you celebrate your child’s birthday so near All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day? I should know. My own father-in-law’s birthday is exactly on November 1st! The youngest member of my family, my niece Aimee Yeung, was literally minutes away from this same situation. She was born October 31st, 2016, at 11:57pm. Talk about...

Lucio’s Kung Fu Panda Showdown!


HELLO, 2017 As mentioned in a previous blog post, as much as possible it is very important to plan out your birthday parties 6 months in advance. The net effect of this on event stylists such as I is that while everyone right now is looking forward to Christmas and the holidays, I am tediously concerned with the execution of my parties for this coming weekend and also with the planning of parties for next year 2017! Even as we speak the Party Magic crew is busy conceptualizing, booking...

Plan Your Party in 15 Minutes: Everything You Need To Know To Plan Your First Birthday Party


PLANNING YOUR FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY? Consider this: You’re a first-time mom with a 9 month old baby girl. Besides the occasional birthday parties you’ve attended from the distant relative, you have close to ZERO first-hand experience with children’s parties, let alone in planning one from scratch. But that’s okay. You just planned and went through your wedding. Compared to that, birthday parties should be a walk in the park. Right? Well…. Does this look familiar...

Alex’s Calvin and Hobbes Party: A Journey Through The Woods


MY DAUGHTER’S INVISIBLE BEST FRIEND Let me tell you a bit about my eldest daughter’s best friend, “Joonie”. Sometimes she’s 3 years old, other times 5. Sometimes she’s about the same height as a typical 4 year old, sometimes she’s as tall as a spoon. Joonie likes candy, chocolates, and riding the train, but her mom is quite the nag and asks her come home early from play time everyday. Joonie is my daughter’s longest best friend. She happens to be...

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